KAG API DocumentationΒΆ

Welcome to the KAG Web API’s documentation.

This documentation is divided into separate parts. It is recommended that you start with Introduction, which will explain the general premise and concepts behind the API, along with the general principles of it’s usage.

After the intro, there is a section dedicated to the functionality concerned with each entity type dealt with by the API (entites are discrete ‘things’ represented within the API, such as games, players, servers, etc.), including the API reference for that section of the API.


The original version of the API was written by Ryan Rawdon (FliesLikeABrick).

There are two versions of the API currently active, the one hosted at https://api.kag2d.com/ known as V0, and the current version under active development hosted at https://api.kag2d.com/v1/, known as V1.

This documentation is for the latter, V1.

The latest version was written and is maintained by Tom Robinson (Shadlington).

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